LOL! Since the last time I was here…

It’s been over a year since I posted on this blog. I did delete some posts, but the last post I did (and just deleted) promising I would be around more was December 2010. Before that it was 2009!

I have  a photo shoot coming up in February and pretty much decided that this will be my last professional shoot.  If the family would like to schedule in 2 years again, I’ll work for them (the take pics every 2 years,  and their photogs keep closing down shop, LOL!) but that’s it for money.  I will still  do my girls portraits, pics for my family and friends (and possibly some free shoots for others, I’ll get to that in a sec.)  but I want it to be a hobby again.  I want to do it again because I love it without the stress of having a business.

Life has handed me a beautiful gift with my current job.  I work in special education in a school setting and it is what I was born to do!  My job is extremely rewarding and satisfying…and alas, tiring.  Scheduling shoots for weekends (because that is the only time I really have anymore) is tough!  Especially when I just want to hang out with the family. Which brings me back to the “other”.)  When the weather warms up and the natural lighting becomes inspiring again.  I would like to make time to do some sessions for families where there is children (or adults) with special needs.  No pressure, just a fun time together and hopefully great pics!  But that’s later. 😉

So why write? I would like to keep this blog going for fun!   I will offer tips and technical details of photos I post in the future.  I want to relearn landscape photography and maybe even try my hand a macro. 😉  I’d love to share what I know and what I learn.  

For now, here’s some things I’ve been up to since 2009.

This is “The” family. I can’t wait to see how they’ve grown!

A fun sports shoot for a senior who didn’t have her uniform until several months after the cut off ofr senior portraits.

 OK, that’s it for now.  I’ll share more later, uploading is kin of clunky. 😉

Family Pictures

My photo lab is going to love me! I have an huge order going in this week, between my brother’s family, the senior pictures and our first day of school pictures, there is going to be a lot of processing.

My brother and family…




LOVE this picture!





And My Girls….





Senior shoot

So I am finally getting a chance to share the photos from the senior shoot I did a couple weeks ago. I really enjoyed work with the client! And doesn’t he have the best smile!

These seem a smidge dark. I’ll have to check my calibration. But here they are….








Cut Loose has Style!!

A friend is building a website for her salon (I will post a link here and FB when it’s up) and asked me to take pictures. It was great, BC (before children) this is the type of photography I loved to do. I walked in the salon and was immediately impressed by how beautiful the surrounding were! I also noticed how relaxed and friendly the stylists and clients were when I snuck in to get pics. 😉 And if you are looking for a stylist, I’ve seen Joanna’s work on various people and she is fantastic! Her cuts are up-to-date and stylish!

Here are a few shots from the Cut Loose Hair Studio:





